Athlete Introduction — Alice Segre
2 Min ReadAthlete Introduction — Alice Segre
Ultra-endurance Cyclist, Surfer and Adventurer
Alice started cycling in 2019 and hasn’t stopped since. An Italian living in Lisbon with a boundless passion for adventure, she has completed epic rides from Berlin to Lisbon and a full tour of the Italian Peninsula.
This year Alice will be taking on Desertus Bikus, a 1350km bike rally crossing the desert regions of Spain from the South of France to Lisbon. With a time cut off of 7 days, this self-supported race will take a truly exceptional effort. We are proud to be supported Alice this year as she trains and competes in this incredible adventure.
“We need more role models in sports to be as representative as possible of society at large. Inspiration drives behaviour and only by that we’ll be able to tap into the full potential of each and every one of us”
After Alice began her training she quickly realised that days on the bike were not enough. She needed role models that could inspire and motivate her. She studied other women in male-dominated niche sports, taking guidance from their efforts and experiences to help her learn how to cross the finish line. In turn Alice will be the inspiration for other women, which is what struck such a chord with us when we met her.
Megmeister exists to provide athletes with the ultimate in performance apparel by ensuring each and every garment is designed and made for purpose. From our sustainability beliefs to our passion for perfecting fit for women and men, the needs of the individual is paramount. We believe that every one should have the opportunity to perform at their best.
Over the coming months we’ll be sharing Alice’s story as she trains and competes. We know she will certainly test Megmeister products to the limit and we look forward to seeing how they help her perform. Follow her on instagram here.
Quickfire Questions
What is your favourite time of day, and why?
All my friends know it, the sunrise and the moment just before sunrise are my favourites. There is a sense of calmness before everyone wakes up and seeing the sun slowly come up always sets my day right. Especially if I am out for a bike ride.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Remember to start and pursue things with intention. If you do not, you will just walk through life without ever really being in the moment.
If you could eliminate one thing from your daily routine, what would it be?
It is not exactly daily, but doing laundry (and there is so much of this while training!)
What is your favourite race/competition/event?
Hopefully Desertus Bikus! But to be honest, I have watched way too many times videos on the Silk Road Mountain Race and it looks absolutely stunning. And such a cultural experience too. I would need way more training to get there, though!
Are you planning on any summer holidays this year? If so, where?
I am most likely taking some time for an epic surf and van trip from Lisbon to the South of France, where some friends are getting married. But for the rest, the summer will be dedicated to working on our documentary.
If you had to eat one meal every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
You knew it was coming when asking this to an Italian, but pasta! Unsure of the sauce, maybe that I could vary every once in a while? ;)
Where is your favourite place to do sport?
First of all, outdoors. And I am unable to pick something more, I love mountains and hills, but I am equally a fan of coastal rides.
If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be?
Most definitely Capetown. To spend time with friends there, enjoy nature and learn more about the history and culture of the country.
Favourite book that you’ve read?
It has been some time since I read it, and I can never pick a favourite book, but Corrections by Jonathan Franzen definitely is on top of my mind when you ask this question.
What made you decide to collaborate with Megmeister?
Megmeister’s attention to crafting clothes that can fit women properly while minding comfort for endurance. Oh, I met Vanessa at a cycling conference in London, and she was among the few women representing a brand, so amazing, keep it up!
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